Monthly Archives: December 2013

LETS GET CHRISTMASY! – 10 Best Christmas Movie ( littlehalfgeek VERSION )


Hello guys! I watched some of chrismast movieessss, and they’re totally incredible . some of them :p . So, im gonna share my amazing watching experience here!

10. While You Were Sleeping (1995)

An unorthodox Yuletide romance, as Lucy Moderatz (Sandra Bullock) saves the commuter she’s got a crush on (Peter Gallagher), pretends to be his fiancée while he’s in a coma and THEN falls in love with the man’s brother, Jack (Bill Pullman).

Image9. A Christmas Carol (2009) 

Robert Zemeckis brings his mo-cap expertise to bear in the ingenious decision to have Jim Carrey play the three ghosts as well as Ebenezer Scrooge.Image8. Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York (1992)

One year after Kevin was left home alone and had to defeat a pair of bumbling burglars, he accidentally finds himself in New York City, and the same criminals are not far behind.


7. Arthur Christmas (2011)

On Christmas night at the North Pole, Santa’s youngest son looks to use his father’s high-tech operation for an urgent mission.


6. Fanny and Alexander (1982)

Ingmar Bergman’s epic chronicle of a Swedish family in the early 20th century sees the world through the eyes of the titular children – and, inevitably, what kids remember most is Christmas.


5. White Christmas (1954)

A successful song-and-dance team become romantically involved with a sister act and team up to save the failing Vermont inn of their former commanding general.


4. Home Alone (1990)

An 8-year-old boy who is accidentally left behind while his family flies to France for Christmas must defend his home against idiotic burglars.


3. The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

The Muppet characters tell their version of the classic tale of an old and bitter miser’s redemption on Christmas Eve.


2. Elf (2003)

After inadvertently wreaking havoc on the elf community due to his ungainly size, a man raised as an elf at the North Pole is sent to the U.S. in search of his true identity.


1. It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)

An angel helps a compassionate but despairingly frustrated businessman by showing what life would have been like if he never existed.


Thats all! I put some synopsis/plot from imdb because im not good enough at writing a review. Try to watch them, u won’t regret ur 90-140mins 🙂

i miss you guys x

well, udah lama gue ga ngeblog. tapi akhirnya bisa ngeblog lagi :’)

gue emang ga tau lu pada siapa sih tapi thanks buat yang udah nyempet2in waktu baca blog gue apalagi yang baca semua tulisan (gue tau itu lu, ngaku aja *gapenting)

pas gue liat lagi di blog ini, kaget juga sih udah 13k viewers cyinnn.. padahal trakhir baru 5k-an loh ..

hiksyuuuu~  terharu kan jadinya

oiya, udah mau natal ya. kalian mau kado apa? 

gausah dijawab pertanyaan gue ^^^ ..gabakal gue kabulin wishes kado kalian wkwk..

mau poll dong, tapi pollnya bentuk comments aja ya soalnya jarang2 nih yang jadi commentor biasanya silent readers semua .. kenapa ya? pada mau jadi silent brothers kali ya yang kayak di mortal instruments (mulai ngawur) 

menurut kalian, paling seru gue ngeblog tentang apa? 

1. real life

2. pelajaran/ilmu pengetahuan

3. others, yang ga penting /?

ga ada pilihan ‘ga usah ngeblog ya’ -__- 

segitu dulu deh, sampai jumpahhh!!! (beralay ria)

tunggu post gue berbau christmasyyy~